Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hair Healthy Salmon Steak

Salmon--it's one of my top choices for foods that boost hair growth. Because growing hair fast requires protein, and keeping it beautiful requires healthy fats, salmon is a top pick for making a meal geared at keeping healthier hair. Here's a simple recipe that'll keep your hair looking great and feeling smooth.

Here's what you'll need:

2 Salmon Steaks
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tablespoon garlic powder
1 Tablespoon onion power
1 Teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 Teaspoon dried chives
2 cups fresh spinach
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

Start by preheating your oven to 350degrees. As the oven is preheating, lightly grease an 8x8 baking dish with your olive oil, and brush your salmon steaks with the remaining oil on both sides.

Season both sides of your salmon steak with the garlic, onion powder, pepper, and salt, and lay them in the baking dish. Then top with chives, spinach, and parmesan cheese.

Once your oven is heated to temperature, bake your salmon until both steaks are cooked through and flake easily--generally around 40minutes depending on the oven.

That's it. Cooking salmon is that easy, and these delicious steaks can be served with your choice of steamed veggies, or over pasta, to round out the meal. I tend to pick sides that contain large amounts of vitamins e, a, and b in order to reap the full benefits of a hair healthy meal, which allows for a huge variety of meals to be made from this one simple recipe.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Why Not To Go To Sleep With Wet Hair

If you're like most individuals, a shower is one of the last things on your nightly to-do list. The downside to this, of course, is that you're likely to go to sleep with wet hair. Let's take a look at why this is a huge no no if your goal is to get your hair to grow faster.

For starters, wet hair is prone to break more easily. If you've ever heard someone say not to brush your hair when it's wet, this is why. Wet hair is easily tangled, and will break more easily than hair that's dry.

Aside from this, you run this risk of fungal infection if you sleep with wet hair. This is caused by the fact that you'll inevitably get your pillow damp. As you sleep on a warm, damp pillow, bacteria and fungus are able to breed and take root, leading to infection and dandruff on your scalp. In addition, a damp pillow is a fine place for ringworm to take root.

Sleeping with wet hair also causes your scalp to receive less circulation due to moisture buildup. Less circulation will equal less nutrients, such as vitamin e and vitamin a, reaching your scalp, a huge hindrance to growing your hair longer in a shorter amount of time.

There's no real easy solution to preventing hair damage from sleeping in wet hair, other than showering earlier in the night to allow your hair to dry naturally. If you roughly dry your hair with a towel, you run the risk of breakage, while using a blowdryer is notorious for causing damage to hair due to excess heat.

Do yourself a favor--shower earlier in the evening, and allow your hair the time it needs to become completely dry in a natural manner. It may take a bit of effort, but the end result of having long, healthy, beautiful hair is more than worth it.